If you be my star I’ll be your sky.
I want someone who won’t care that I’m incapable of sitting still, that I can’t grasp the concept of cleaning and I refuse to be ladylike, someone who realizes that half of the decisions I make are usually ones I regret, and I have the right to overreact at any given moment. I want someone who knows how completely insane I am. & he wouldn’t want me any other way.
You fit me better than my favorite sweater.
Guys are like stars. There are a million of them out there, but only one can make your dreams come true. It’s the star that fail for you.
I may not be much but I’ll always be yours.
They slipped briskly Into an Intimacy from which they never recovered F.Scott fitzgerald.
I have nothing , but when you came I had everything….
I think I’ll miss you forever like the stars miss the sun In the morning sky.
See also:
23 Tumblr Quotes About Broken Heart