If he gets up, we’ll all get up, It’ll be anarchy.
My god, are we going to be like our parents?
We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding It, that’s all..
Screws fall out all the time. The world’s an imperfect place.
Screws fall out all the time. The world’s an imperfect place.
Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people.
We’re all bizarre some of us are just good at hiding it.
What do you care what I think anyway? I don’t even count, right? I could disappear forever and it wouldn’t make any difference.
Demented and sad, but social. –the breakfast club
You’re pretty sexy when you get angry.
You know the school comes equipped with fire exits at either end of the library.
The breakfast club.
When you grow up, your heart dies.
See also: